Fundraiser spotlight.

Meet our first fundraisers

Running for research

Research is a guiding light bringing hope that one day there is a future where these oncogene cancers no longer pose a threat.

Mandy and Christina at Christmas with Yvonne, living with ALK+ lung cancer

Christina Roberts and Mandy Tafler, two friends who live in London with their families, were motivated to run the Paris Marathon to support oncogene-driven lung cancer research. Courageously, the fact they have little marathon experience is no deterrent. They are sprinting into action to speed up outcomes for people like their friend Yvonne, diagnosed two years ago with an advanced oncogene lung cancer.

Christina (L), with her son Roman

Christina, a mother of three, tennis fanatic and executive in a travel business, says, “To be honest, I agreed to run the Paris Marathon one night after a few glasses of wine. At the time, it seemed like a fabulous idea. The next morning, I was not so sure. But my competitive and stubborn spirit kicked in. Whilst it is no easy feat, this is nothing compared to the struggles people will face in their lives after being diagnosed with an oncogene-driven lung cancer.”

Mandy, all taped up and ready to run

Mandy, an energetic mother of three, who loves to dance and wanted to transfer those steps into a challenge, adds, “After running the London Marathon, I wanted to embark on a new city with a new goal, raising money for something closer to home. Before Yvonne’s diagnosis of stage 4 ALK+ lung cancer in 2021, I never knew that lung cancer could affect healthy people who never smoked. That said, no one deserves lung cancer and more has to be done. It’s heart breaking to know that while research has led to great treatments, eventually these medications will stop working and there will be no further options.”

Don’t lose hope.

Mandy and Christina are aware that today most people will have been affected by cancer either directly or indirectly. Adding, “Research is our guiding light bringing hope that one day there is a future where these oncogene cancers no longer pose a threat.”

 Mandy adds, “If you have been diagnosed, please do not lose hope. You are not alone and do not have to go through this alone. Focus on one day at a time and celebrate the small victories along the way.”

Next stop Paris on 7 April

Research matters

Christina says, “To the researchers and scientists, the work you do is important and matters.  Thank you for your unwavering commitment to finding a cure for oncogene-driven cancers.  Keep pushing the boundaries of science and know that you are making a real difference!  It offers hope that tomorrow will be brighter, and that less people will be affected by cancer and that they will be able to live fuller, longer lives. Also, those left behind will not know the pain and heartbreak of losing loved ones.”

Please support our first fundraisers Christina and Mandy with any donation and creating more awareness of their marathon.  

March 2024